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While much attention is placed on our presidential elections every four years, other electoral races, like municipal races, take place every year in our own backyards. Exercising your right to vote in the November general election is critically important, but it is just as important to vote in local and municipal elections. We acknowledge that voting can be overwhelming under normal circumstances, and the coronavirus pandemic has only added more complexities to the voting process. In our efforts to keep you informed, we’ve compiled a list of resources to help empower your civic engagement in the election this November, and for the elections to come.

NC Voter Registration

Eligibility Requirements?

  • Be a U.S. citizen.
  • Live in the county of his/her registration, and have resided there for at least 30 days prior to the date of the election.
  • Be at least 18 years old, or will be by the date of the general election. Preregistration is available for 16- and 17-year-olds.
  • A 17-year-old can vote in a primary election if they will be 18 at the time of the general election.
  • Have your rights of citizenship restored if you have felony conviction and have completed your sentence including probation, post release supervision, parole or a prison term.

How do I register to vote?

  • To register to vote in North Carolina, a person must meet the qualifications to vote and complete a voter registration application. Applications can be completed and submitted online, by mail, or dropped off at the State Board of Elections in Raleigh. 
  • You must be registered to vote at your current address, which means that if you have moved and are not voting at the same address that is listed on your registration, you must update your voter registration. You can check your current registration information and make updates online at the North Carolina State Board of Elections website. 

If you have missed the regular voting registration deadline, you can still register and vote in person at one-stop sites during the early voting period. This process is known as same-day registration. Same-day registrants must attest to their eligibility and provide proof of residence.

North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE)
PO Box 27255
Raleigh NC 27611-7255
Phone: (919) 814-0700
Fax: (919) 715-0135 

Email: (General)

Mail-In Voting 

How to vote by mail?

  • Request an absentee ballot no later than 5 p.m. on Tuesday, October 27. Vote the absentee ballot that is mailed to you in the presence of one witness and return your absentee ballot, either by mail or in person at your county’s board of elections office, by no later than 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 3, 2020
  • Keep in mind, your witness must be at least 18 years of age, and is required to sign their names on your completed ballot envelope.

Early Voting 

How do I vote early?

  • Early voting, also known as one-stop absentee voting allows any registered voter to cast an absentee ballot in person on select days prior to Election Day. Unlike on Election Day, when registered voters can only vote at their specific precinct, one-stop early voting allows registered voters to vote at any one-stop voting location in their respective county. One-stop sites will have all the ballot styles for a given election at each site. 
  • To find your local early voting sites, click here. 

On Election Day 

How do I vote on Election Day?

  • On Election Day, you can go to your designated precinct and cast your ballot. You can check your precinct location online at the State Board of Elections website. It is also listed on your voter registration card. 
  • VOTER ID, currently, photo ID is not required. Voters will not be required to show photo ID for elections held in 2020. 

Working at the Polls

How do I become a poll worker?

  • All parties interested in being an election worker must complete an election worker survey.  The information submitted will then be sent to your respective county’s board of elections. Or you can apply directly at your county’s board of election.  However, county requirements may vary, so be sure to check details for your specific county.  

Important dates to keep in mind

  • October 9: Last day to register to vote
  • October 15-31: Early Voting 
  • October 27: Last day to request absentee ballot 
  • November 3: Election Day 
  • November 3: Absentee ballots due 

Additional Voting Resources:

  • Access your specific sample ballot and precinct details by clicking here. 
  • Ballotpedia, the Encyclopedia of America Politics, featuring an overview of the 2020 North Carolina elections, including your sample ballot, the offices on the ballot covered by Ballotpedia, featured elections, election dates, and frequently asked questions.
  • Election Protection, the national, nonpartisan coalition works year-round to ensure that all voters have an equal opportunity to vote and have that vote count. Made up of more than 100 local, state, and national partners, Election Protection uses a wide range of tools and activities to protect, advance, and defend the right to vote.
  • The NC Voter Guide is a public service provided by Common Cause North Carolina. For 18 years, the NC Voter Guide has given voters facts on candidates and elections in North Carolina. Common Cause North Carolina is a Raleigh-based nonprofit and nonpartisan organization dedicated to encouraging citizen participation in democracy.
  • The State Board of Elections (State Board) is the state agency charged with the administration of the elections process and campaign finance disclosure and compliance.
  •,uses technology to simplify political engagement, increase voter turnout, and strengthen American democracy.
  • Voting and Coronavirus, state and county elections officials have been hard at work to make voting as accessible and safe as possible for North Carolina’s more than 7 million registered voters. New laws, processes and safeguards will be in place to protect your health and ensure your vote counts on Election Day.
  • Who are North Carolina’s 7 million registered voters?
  • You Can Vote, an organization seeking to train and mobilize volunteers across North Carolina; while educating voters using quality conversations and simple materials. They empower community members to become voters. Voter Hotline: 188-OUR-VOTE.

Para recursos e información sobre como votar, visita

  • North Carolina Voter Registration form – Spanish Version
  • Hispanic Coalition’s Turbo Votein partnership with Hispanic Federation, TurboVote aims to ensure Spanish speakers always know when elections are happening, and have the information needed to vote with confidence. 
  • Para preguntás especificas, contacto: (252) 258-9967;